Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Does intermittent fasting decrease your metabolism?


Intermittent fasting in Christianity has a spiritual connection to it I know because I grew up in a catholic church.

In the church, I grew up in fasting wasn’t a topic I understood about at least from a religious standpoint.

But after reading about intermittent fasting from Dr. Eric Berg, I was beginning to understand its health benefits

As I read about intermittent fasting or IF.

I began to see how my body could be used as a fat-burning machine.

Inside this way of living by eating less, I have seen the benefits such as less stress which is usually caused by overeating...`

Download this free report here

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Apple Cider Pure Vinegar-Why It Is Good For Weight Loss-Must Watch FREE Video

I want to support you with weight loss

And so am promoting this product to you
Its called Apple Cider Pure Vinegar Click Here To Get It

Dr. Eric Berg Told me about this through this video on
Youtube Which You should Watch here

I would use Apple Cider Pure Vinegar to achieve weight loss

"Apple Cider Vinegar Pure is made in the US within an FDA
the registered facility that follows GMP guidelines."- HealthTrader

First Watch this video of the real reason Apple Cider
Works For Weight Loss here=>https://youtu.be/XeHl5Y7m1xM

Then Get Apple Cider Pure Vinegar Here=>https://tinyurl.com/AppleCiderPureVinegar

Take Care,
Lubosi Jr

Friday, March 26, 2021

Can It be True? Here Are 5 Steps To Achieve Maximum Rest



Sleep is very important.Here Are 5 Steps To Achieve Maximum Rest

  • 1. Make Sure To Sleep On Your Back
  • 2.Keep Your Body At A Cool. Eating And Then immediately Going To Sleep Increases Your Body Temperature.Eat 2 Hours Before Bed Time
  • 3.Sleep At The Same Time And Wake Up At The Same Time.
  • 4 The More Time You Spend Awake Doing Activities The more Sleep You Will Need.
  • 5.Have Pleasant Thoughts before Bed time to Shut Off Your Brian. Did you Know That Keto Diet Boosts Brian Health? Click Here To Learn More.

I am hoping these 5 Steps Will Motivate You.

Take Care,
Lubosi Jr

Sunday, March 21, 2021

[KETO DIET] Do you wish you had more energy to move around with?


To enjoy life to the fullest?

I love exercise so much and so it’s my calling to share with you exercise and diets.

I refused to myself to learn about diets.Dont you feel discouraged sometimes as well?


Well that’s how I felt and so because of that I refused to learn about diets.

My aid was the Dr. Eric berg’s book on the keto diet and intermittent fasting. Till this day it’s the only book I have read on diets.


Crossing into this new world of keto diet felt strange.


Have you ever watched a boring movie? Well that’s how I felt reading about the keto diet and intermittent fasting.

Finally the diagrams in the book engulfed me into a world of healthy keto lifestyle

On this road I struggled to reduce my intake of sugar, and how to choose the foods to eat infact.I hardly had any money to budget for this type of diet.


So I followed this YouTuber her name is Maya Lee. She seems so healthy and I liked her lifestyle so much.

I was tempted to give up on this diet and maybe go into prepackaged meals like this Youtuber but I felt a sense of purpose.

Do you know how it feels to want to quit on something?


That’s how I felt.

Besides living with my father who controls the budget for food in the house my options for being on a keto diet seemed almost impossible.

I found peace and fulfillment after finishing reading this book by Eric berg, because at least I could fast to weight loss and weight maintenance.

And so I achieved my goal of fasting at least if I could not keto diet then I can fast.


But I still needed to learn how to be on the keto diet. So I refused to go back to learn about it and so...

I had to escape my thoughts of impossibility and think of possiblilty.You can be on a keto diet no matter where you are from.

Being in Zambia you can think how can I go on a keto diet and stay healthy.

Do you ever face impossible situations?

And so I kept looking for a keto diet solution and low and behold Amazon rescues me.

Yes  I found a product to help me with keto diet on Amazon’s website. This is the product that will help you as well.

The product that will make you be on keto diet no matter what.

Even if you don’t have money to buy expensive food and recipe books just to be healthy

Are you ready to see how you can master the keto diet?

While eating fast food? And fasting?

Are you ready to see this 1 solution that I believe will change you healthy life to master the world of fasting and keto diet?

That will give you the freedom to enjoy healthy energy and weight no matter your budget?

You need to take action now because this solution is available on Amazon but its running out of stock, every month.Because that’s how good it is.Its the best keto diet solution out there.

So you better buy it now.

It’s called the Keto Science Ketogenic Meal Shake Vanilla Dietary Supplement:

·         Rich in MCTs and Protein, Paleo Friendly, Weight Loss, 14 servings, 20.7 oz


Very affordable.

So buy it now.


Get your ketosis lifestyle now.

Click Here  before it runs out of stock!


Take Care,

Lubosi Jr Maboshe

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Can I Show You How A Ketogenic Meal Shake Will Help You With Weight Loss?



With A Ketogenic Meal Shake You Can :

·         Maintain Ketosis Instantly Starting Today.

·         Not Worrying About What Keto Foods To Eat.

·         Not Worry About Learning 80 Keto Recipes To Cook.

[According to,https://health.usnews.com/wellness/delivery-kits/articles/keto-diet-meal-delivery-services]

The Average cost of 1 week Keto meal for 2 per serving on a regular Keto Diet Meal plan delivered to your door step is

between $10 to $14 per week which amounts to about 13 grams of keto food.


But with Keto Science Ketogenic Meal Shake Chocolate Dietary Supplement Shake You get over 9,000 grams! Keto Food For less than $22

Think about the money you are going to save and stay healthy while doing it.

Also with Keto Science Ketogenic Meal Shake You can choose between two flavours of either Chocolate or Vanilla. Meaning you have a variety to choose from.


Not knowing the right Keto diet meal plan can cause a strain on your budget,You need a easy, simple, affordable and fast solution to enter the ketosis diet today.

Go Here to enter the ketosis diet today

At a 20% special discount offer please hurry for it may run out of stock, and the price will go up.

Go Here: Keto Science Ketogenic Meal Shake



Monday, March 15, 2021

How Keto Sweets Help You In Fasting to Help You Move from Plus Size To Small Size Outfits

How Keto Sweets Help You In Fasting to Help You Move

from Plus Size To Small Size Outfits


The first I think about is that keto diet is all about vegetables,

Well surprise its not.

As I read Dr.Erics Book here is what he says

There are all sorts of great desserts you can create that support your weight-loss program.

Berg, Eric . It’s Not Lose Weight to Get Healthy, It’s Get Healthy to Lose Weight . KB PUBLISHING | ALEXANDRIA, VA. Kindle Edition.


Do you know these great desserts?

He calls them Keto bombs.

I sometimes refuse to accept that someone can eat fat and reduce from plus size to small dressing outfits.

But Dr. Eric berg has clearly said in his book, that keto sweets help with fasting.

Am yet to try this type of desserts.


Will you try the keto sweets?


Fasting has been one of my main secrets to maintain to small size outfits.

As I approach this keto diet as its something I am truly interested in.


I feel I have a lot to learn and teach you about it.


Its difficult to quit sugar that’s for sure.

That’s why these desserts help you enjoy the sweet delight in

Desserts without worrying about your having to keep a plus size outfit.


Yes starting something new offers a road block

But don’t get discouraged how will you ever know until you try it?

Try it first if you don’t like it then you can change to something else.


Rise from discouragement if losing your plus size outfits is what you desire then this message is for you

I want you to try this Keto Bomb when you get the chance,

Watch out for my email tomorrow.


To give you this awesome chance: The Perfect Keto  Meal Plans To Drop from plus size outfit

To small size outfit


Take care,

Lubosi Jr

Sign up here to receive the email:https://eepurl.com/g9OZo5

Monday, March 8, 2021

Keto Meal Plan: How I got to know about ketosis.

Keto Meal Plan: How I got to know about ketosis.

I feel like this diet is what I needed to know in order to balance my workout life.

I feared not understanding the foods involved in this keto diet.

Dr. Eric’s book on keto diet and fasting is where I got my knowledge on this type of diet.

I had to see it through the medical doctor’s eyes.

I remember opening this book and reading about the causes of high blood sugar.

This I know through the doctors eyes was unknown to me.

When I saw that one tea spoon of sugar is enough concentration for a jar of blood.

It showed me that the blood actually losses it ability to store up the excess sugar we eat.

If the blood losses “space to store” sugar then where does this sugar go? Or where is it stored?

These are the questions that where running through my mind as I read this book on ketosis and intermittent fasting.

Passing through the phase of over eating cooking oil to gain energy, and fasting to maintain weight, while learning on the right amounts of coffee to drink, and sugar to take.

Where just some of the challenges I had to face.

To understand this ketosis diet.

I once was friends with this student Medical Doctor she is a medical doctor now as I write this.

She told me too much cooking oil could damage the liver.

See I thought the ketosis diet was about eating cooking oil. Not only did she correct me on this but she warned me that it could damage my liver in the long run.


Now what? Am stuck ,what really is the perfect keto diet?

Though Dr. Eric Berg’s advice was just too complicated and so I abandoned it.


Now don’t get me wrong, he has so much knowledge on which I wouldn’t even have know what this ketosis is without him.


But I just felt like I needed to form my own ketosis formula something that anyone can follow and remember.

Something like me.Something Simple.

Yes I came up with the SuperSimple3 Keto Meal Plan

 Yes this plan gave me peace.

You can read more about it here=> SuperSimple3 Keto Meal Plan

This plan gave me the big boom!

Yes it showed a simple way.

With this plan I show you how you can follow the keto diet. Without knowing much about it.

But to be honest it didn’t come easy. After trying fasting without knowing what to do. I had to return to the ketosis book I got. To refresh my memory on the vital vitamins our body needs to survive this awesome diet.

That’s why I made the SuperSimple3 Keto Meal Plan

It  Is tried and tested by myself. I am telling you it works.


You can read more about it here=> Yes show me the SuperSimple3 Keto Meal Plan

I remember my past of living on fast food and energy drinks. But no more this plan saved me from my selfish cravings for fast food and sweet treats.

Yes these 3 simple steps are like my magic plan to weight loss, to health, to build muscles, to stay fit.

You choose. This plan helped me.

And so even when I struggle to keep up with keto diet. Which am guilty for every week. I ran to the

SuperSimple3 Keto Meal Plan

And now am free to eat what I want and I now know my limits

Do you know yours?

Can you eat what you want and still stay in a diet?

Do you want to know this magic plan?


Of eating what you want?

 Knowing your diet limits without all the trouble of reading dieting books by complicated medical doctors?


Because I have already done that for you and developed the SuperSimple3 Keto Meal Plan

To help you achieve a healthy balanced keto diet, and healthy lifestyle.


Thank You For Reading,


Lubosi  Jr


Leave me a comment saying "I understand" 









Sunday, March 7, 2021

SuperSimple3 Keto Meal Plan


SuperSimple3 Keto Meal Plan

I remember not knowing about dieting living in a world of fast food and energy drinks.

Then one day I decided to educate myself about the diets because I love exercising, and at times I met a friend who told me that the number1  key to staying fit was not.

90 percent exercise it was 90 percent diet.


And so I grabbed Dr. Eric’s book on keto diet from Amazon kindle.

Even after finishing reading this book I could not believe I was an expert in this diet. Besides they were some foods which I disagree with Dr. Eric.

And I believe are important to human health and muscle building.

That book took me into a world of food I never thought I would see.


I love muscle building and one day I will tell you the story and journey to that.

But for now I want to share with you how I saw Keto Dieting through the eyes of this Medical Doctor.

 Learnt about how I have been abusing my liver, my stomach, my mouth, my lungs and all the other important parts of my body.

I was exercising looking sexy in shape but my insides where dying with thirst for a good wholesome nutrition.

Adjusting to this new Keto Diet was so hard. I had to learn on top of that how to fast. As the doctor wrote in his book.

I had planned to master how to discipline myself through intermittent fasting in the case that I failed to completely adjust my diet.

You can get this book from the blog:themusclesandhealth.blogspot.com

You see my goal to reach ketosis, was something I was not ready to fail, and so I pursued it with my whole heart into it.

Listen I failed miserably. I over ate the cooking oil, and when I stayed away from eating sugar i.e. over ate something else.

Besides who has money to buy all these ingredients? Is the question I kept asking myself.


Finally I got it. I knew what I needed to do. I needed a cheat code, an escape plan just incase. I don’t follow the Keto Diet to the key.


This plan had to be so simple no matter how much money someone has they can survive off the Keto Diet Benefits.

I faced low energy, sugar cravings, headaches, and major hunger pangs that are long periods of not eating, which cause me not to eat.

So I come up with this SuperSimple3 Keto Meal Plan

1) Fast at least once a week. Meaning don’t eat anything for 12 hours, but milk or coffee, or water

2) Take lots of tomatoes before fasting

3) Take lots of grain, corn or groundnuts, or drink some tea before you fast.

Return to this post if any of these things work for you and leave me a comment.

Thank you for reading,


Lubosi  jr.


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Keto Low Carb Breakfast Ideas


Maybe you just needed a simple Keto Routine,

and I mean a more simple way to do it.
What was your worst experience in trying the keto diet?

What was the fastest way you had to try to drop pounds?

Go here to: Drop 22lbs in 9 days on the fastest Keto Ever

This is your last chance to get it through email and the last day am going to reccomend this keto diet to you.

The Keto SlimFast Has the following benefits:

Contains absolutely no added sugar, gluten, or artificial flavors or color

Take Care,

Lubosi jr


Go here to: Drop 22lbs in 9 days on the fastest Keto Ever

The #1 Way To Stay Healthy

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