Wednesday, October 14, 2020

3 Gateway Foods That Burn Belly Fat


            3 gateway foods that burn belly fat


 Hey Friend,

My friend and Fitness Coach  Mike Mcdonald just open doors to their Sexy Vegan Workout Book.

Its a Blueprint that will give you a strong physique, and if you didnt know,online vegan bodybuilding is the way 95% of all fitness coaches build their bodies, and trian others to do the same online.

You need to go here and learn more now

=>The Sexy Vegan Workout Book Digital Download


The methods he will teach you in this book are 100% time tested and proven.

 They worked 5 years ago and they work today.


So head over, Get Your Free Access To The Master Class Video To Watch,

and then learn how to get a Strong physique.


Here are 3 Gateway Foods That Burn Belly Fat

  1. Nuts and Nut Butters such as almond butter
  2. Eggs
  3. Milk

 One thing all these foods have in common is the fat content m which is good for a keto diet.

For more information on how to research the right healthy foods to buy from your grocery store visit the US Department of Agriculture food centre search here=>Food Data Central

Until next time,

Lubosi Jr Maboshe


Works Cited

(2018,Nov 19).The 20 Best Fat-Burning Foods Of All Time. Retrieved October 14, 2020, from Womens Health:



Disclaimer: Due to the ever-fluctuating nature of Weight loss, this is to remind you that due to external factors beyond our control, The Muscles And Health cannot be held responsible for any health losses or other losses incurred as a result of using this advice.Please consult a certified health specialist.


Friday, October 9, 2020

How To Know The Weight Loss Exercise That Will Help You Get Lean And Stay Lean: 3 Secrets To Get Rock Hard Abs

Picture Of Red Raw Tomatoes

How To Know The Weight Loss Exercise That Will Help You Get Lean And Stay Lean:

 3 Secrets To Get Rock Hard Abs

  • 1.      Consume at least 2 servings of vegetables a day. 
  • 2.      Eat at least 2 servings of fruit a day.
  • 3.      On the days you work out, eat 1 hour before you exercise



                  Vegetables are so very important to have in your every day diet.If a Six Pack is what you want.Then its what you will get with these secrets.


These secrets will change your life in a very minimum time.

Consuming vegetables is the one of the best ways if not the best way to get them rock hard abs.


This is true for me as well.


When eating fruits its important to know that the benefits are very real though it may take time to realize them later on but fruits are very good for your diet.It can be any fruit you desire my favourite is mango.

What is your favorite fruit? Then eat it.

Make sure you follow this number 3 secret as well its very important .Eating 1 hour before a workout will help you maintain that energy you need during your workouts.


It can be any time of workout as long as you are doing it consistently this secret will work for you no matter what.


Works Cited

BORNSTEIN, A. (2015, March 25). Sculpt Rock-Hard Abs in 5 Steps. Retrieved September 9, 2020, from Mens Health:





Disclaimer: Due to the ever-fluctuating nature of Weight loss, this is to remind you that due to external factors beyond our control, The Muscles And Health cannot be held responsible for any health losses or other losses incurred as a result of using this advice.Please consult a certified health specialist.



Wednesday, October 7, 2020

How To Drop 7 lbs in 7 days

Picture of a banana on a plate

How To Drop 7 lbs in 7 days

Take vegetables and fruits regularly.

Such as carrots,and tomatoes(womanandhome,2020)

Consider grape fruit as well.

Dieting is a very unique approach to weight loss and fitness as well.

Sometimes i feel so low.And workouts are the only way i bounce back up again..its crazy to know that am also susceptible to feeling low self esteem as well but when bad things happen we just have to move on and look for brighter day and a blessing in every trouble or problem we face.

For breakfast consider having a slice of toast, a half banana and a cup of decaf coffee or tea.Even coffee is just fine.(heathline,2020)



Works Cited

womens health. (2020). Retrieved from

womanandhome. (2020). Retrieved from

heathline .(2020). Retrieved from





Disclaimer: Due to the ever-fluctuating nature of Weight loss, this is to remind you that due to external factors beyond our control, The Muscles And Health cannot be held responsible for any health losses or other losses incurred as a result of using this advice.Please consult a certified health specialist.


Monday, October 5, 2020

How To Survive Tough Workout Times


What if you had known that weight loss is a 3 day challenge.


Its possible to lose weight its not permanent. You can maintain .You can havea six pack you can.

Nothing is impossible for me. I look around my room my situation and I see opportunity everywhere ways to lose weight and stay healthy even without a gym yes its possible.


Believe it or not you are better than you think


Its like having a baby. You need to carry that vision of losing weight almost like baby and believe in yourself.


Know that you will give birth to a new you. A better you.Dont limit yourself tackle your challenges become a good student and follow a good workout plan.


Sign up to our email list get a free guide. And receive awesome opportunities to learn about diets, and workout routines.

How to survive tough workout times


You just have to do what you have to do and understand that its just a process.Thank you for reading.


 (womens health, 2020)

Works Cited

womens health. (2020). Retrieved from



Disclaimer: Due to the ever-fluctuating nature of Weight loss, this is to remind you that due to external factors beyond our control, The Muscles And Health cannot be held responsible for any health losses or other losses incurred as a result of using this advice.Please consult a certified health specialist.



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