4 Dangerous Outcomes That Can Kill You Today!
Because Of Not Being on A Diet Causing
Chronic High Levels Of Insulin:
3 Powerful Foods That Will Help You Not Die From This.
1) Type 2 diabetes
2) Heart disease
3) Stroke High blood pressure
4) High cholesterol
Berg, Eric. It’s Not Lose Weight to Get Healthy, It’s Get
Healthy to Lose Weight. KB PUBLISHING | ALEXANDRIA, VA. Kindle Edition.
You are probably thinking Fruit Juice Is Healthy to Drink
Well Many people believe it’s healthy because of the Fruit
You might be thinking you can’t get started on a Ketosis
Weight loss diet because you drink fruit Juice and you think it’s healthy
because it contains vitamin C, and this reduces you chance of getting diabetes
Well Fruit Juice contains lots of sugar which cause insulin
resistance which leads to daibetes.Here is why that a mistake that will hold
you back from success
To know more about insulin resistance you can get this book
on Ketosis and intermittent fasting from Amazon for below $5 on kindle right
now here=>Dr. Eric bergs keto book
Here are 3 Foods from My Keto Weight Diet Cheat Sheet
From my book BURN 100% more fast Its Insane
1) Eggs
2) Avocado
3) Tomatoes
You Can Start Eating These Keto Foods Today to Help You
Reduce Your Chances of Insulin Resistance which leads to high blood pressure.
Thank You for Reading and Happy New Holidays.
Lubosi Jr Maboshe
Disclaimer: Due to the ever-fluctuating nature of Weight loss, this is to remind you that due to external factors beyond our control, The Muscles And Health cannot be held responsible for any health losses or other losses incurred as a result of using this advice.Please consult a certified health specialist.